Criteria for Organisation
Home > Certification for Other Product

- The organization should not use alcohols for cleaning or sanitization purpose.
- The cleaning brush and polishing pads should not be made from the hair and skin of HARAM animals like dog, cat & pigs.
- The ingredient of substance from animal origin should be halal certified. (Example:-gelatin).
- The synthetic ingredient processed chemically but suspected of using alcohol during processing (cleaning/crystalysation/filteration) should be halal certified.
- Any processes employeeing fermatation should be properly controlled so that failure donot lead to formation of ethyle alcohol.
- Precaution should be taken while drawing sample from the batch that vessel taking sample from HALA L product should not be used for Storage or cleaned by any type of Alcohol.
- There should not be any cross contaimination with non HALAL products (Air/Water). Separate air and water circulation line should be there.