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Criteria for Personel

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IAFI Halal

The dhabih must fulfill the following conditions for the Dhabihah to meet the requirements of Islamic Law (Shari'ah):

  • Slaughter Agent / Dhabih must be at least 18 years of age.
  • Slaughter Agent / Dhabih must be a practicing Muslim.
  • Slaughter Agent / Dhabih must be well trained in the Islamic method of slaughtering and the IFNAS HALAL slaughtering procedures.
  • Slaughter Agent / Dhabih must be an active and upstanding member of a recognized Islamic organization.
  • Slaughter Agent / Dhabih must be mentally fit. Applicants who are mentally unfit donot qualify. (Halal Slaughter Agents must have steady hands to slaughter properly).
  • Slaughter Agent / Dhabih must undergo a stringent, intensive course followed by an examination to be certified by IFNAS.
  • Slaughter Agent / Dhabih must be literate.